
U.S. Engagement with the ICC

US delegation by JD Lasica

With an eye toward exploring options for the new administration, this Section outlines the history of U.S. engagement with the Court, including the provision of various forms of assistance and support over the years. The Section highlights that whatever the state of U.S. policy toward the ICC, there are multiple fora in which the United States will interface with the ICC and issues related to it, suggesting the need for a pragmatic approach that stays focused on core concerns and leaves space for the United States to advance international justice and other related efforts. This history, and the inventory below, reflect persistent U.S. support across administrations and suggests that there are low political risks associated with many forms of assistance that are consistent with other policy imperatives.

  1. U.S. Interactions with the ICC in the United Nations
  2. U.S. Engagement on the Crime of Aggression and the Kampala Review Conference
  3. Other U.S. Interactions with the Assembly of States Parties
  4. Support for ICC Investigations